You have right to join with coworkers.

Why Organize?
Musicians’ ability to make a living is under greater threat than ever. While the music industry rakes in huge profits, technological advances are changing how we work and get paid. We’re facing low streaming pay, outsourcing, and increasing pressure to play for tips, for free, or even pay to perform at some venues. As employers consolidate their power, we must do the same. Unity among musicians creates the strength we need to reach our goals.

Unionism Begins With You

Joining together in unionism enables musicians to negotiate for higher wages and benefits and improve conditions on and off the stage. There are millions of union members in America from all walks of life. These individuals know that by speaking up together, you can accomplish more than you could on your own.

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protects the rights of most private-sector employees to organize, which includes musicians, to engage in group efforts to improve their wages and working conditions, to determine whether to have a union as their bargaining representative, to engage in collective bargaining, and to refrain from any of these activities.

If you’re seeking to form a union at your workplace, first talk to your colleagues to build support about issues they are facing. Often, musicians do this through forming an organizing committee. The next step is to contact our Local Office. Our Executive Board and staff have the knowledge, resources, and experience to guide you through the process.

Alternatives to Organizing
When musicians are sometimes not legally considered employees, we can organize in more innovative ways. Fair Trade Music is a great example of musicians using basic organizing principles to improve their lives. Fair Trade Music is a grassroots campaign raising standards for freelance musicians through organizing, collective action and education. City-by-city we are building an organization of musicians, community leaders and fans to support Fair Trade Music standards including our right to negotiate fair contracts, create equitable business relationships, and establish enforceable contract standards.

Common Concerns

Our contractor, conductor, personnel manager, or production manager threatened to fire us for complaining about wages and working conditions.

I was fired for chatting about my supervisor with colleagues on social media.

I was threatened after filing a complaint against my employer with the NLRB.

I want to form a union at a non-union workplace.

My co-workers and I have a union and we’re having trouble getting to an agreement with our employer.

I was told I would lose my job or be demoted if I did or didn’t support the union.

I was threatened or treated unfairly after criticizing my union.


AFL-CIO: What Unions Do

U.S. Department of Labor: Step-by-Step Guide to Unionizing (multiple languages available)

U.S. Department of Labor: Organizing Rights

National Labor Relations Board: Employer/Union Rights and Obligations

AFM: Organize!

AFM: Fair Trade Music